Sunday, July 22, 2012


Tweet us and visit the Pornstars blog all at the same time.
The best way i can describe the "Rock Melt" web browser is it's a internet browser for the modern age. In an era of Smart phones and Smart TV's where everybody is getting used to having everything in one device. A browser which has you logged in and active on facebook and twitter as you google and surf is something people will want and just seems natural.

Google yourself maybe? See us on facebook at the same time!

Rock Melt asks you to login to Facebook when you open it, and you really are connected and fully able to interact with your facebook friends and their walls without having the facebook page open, the same goes for Twitter. Rock Melt is based on the Google Chrome Browser, and it's backed by Netscape too.

You'll also be invited to add "Apps" and Icons to your browser, which carries on the whole Smart experience on your desktop. With Iphone versions, and Ipad too, it is a great browser, and also very fast and user friendly.

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